Mission Statment

A Community With A Vision

In the fall of 2014 we were asked as the inagural CEO class to comprise a mission statement for Jasper CEO. A simple statement it might be, but the process of building a mission statement, if done correctly, is a daunting task. Correctly building a mission statement requires digging to the inner-part of you soul and focusing on the many factors of your mission. With CEO that includes, community, our economy, education, our future, a legacy, ...and the list went on and on. It was a week long process that involved all CEO students pouring their heart and soul, hopes and dreams, about CEO into a simple statement. 

"Seeking opportunities. Inspiring change. Preparing for the future." 

That is the mission Jasper CEO. We are proud of what we have been able to accomplish thanks to the assistance of our fine community members, mentors and especially our friends and investors. Our success would be non-existent if you take any of the listed from the equation. Jasper CEO is a beautiful melody of youth, community, philanthropy, and economy. 
